Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wine Tasting Party

Here are a few pictures from the latest event, a beginners wine tasting party honoring Stephanie, the bride to be.

Everyone took home their personalized tasting glass made with chalkboard paint.

We tasted: 
Sauvignon Blanc, Line 39 2009 Lake County, California
Glazebrook 2009, Marlborough, New Zealand
SEBASTIANI Chardonnay 2009, Sonoma County
VILLA MT. EDEN Pinot Noir 2009
TENSLEY "Johnny's" Syrah 2009, Santa Barbara County, California
LILY Riesling Spätlese 2009,Rheinhessen, Germany
All courtesy of Bin201
Great use for a wine glass, flip it upside down and add a tea light. Adds some great height to a table.