Friday, April 1, 2011

Oh Heavens! Verse 07!

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (that was from memory!)

Can you believe that today is April 1st?!?!?! I really just cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I was writing about our first memory verse from under the covers in a tiny hotel room mid-travels to Texas. Now we are just about ready to head home!

As always, with any transition time, I am getting a little bit anxious about moving home. While I feel so much stronger and wiser than I was when we got here, I'm still nervous about going to a strange place and starting over once again. I do not want to allow myself to fall under the weight of uncertainty, but stand strong in the truth. That's why I've picked this verse. It's a little longer, and may be more of a challenge but the words are so true and full of hope.

"'For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaish 54:10 ESV

The world as I know it may be caving in around me and everything that I count on may be changing but I have the unconditional love of Christ. What more do I need?

I have to tell you about my night last night. C has started a simulation course that helps them apply the loads of information they have been learning for the past few months. The simulation means intensity, stress, and long hours. We went for a long walk last night and I just listened as he told me all about the day.

I tried to understand it as much as possible and appreciated every time he had to interupt the story to explain something to me. As he shared the complexities of the job I felt so in awe of what he has accomplished. Not just him in particular, but what all these men have to keep in mind on a daily basis.

While I may have my own obligations and responsibilities for the day, he leaves and is responsible for more than I can even comprehend. So many times I only think of work in the hours he is away from me, and forget that there is so much more than that. Part of me wants so desperatly to be needed and have responsibilities at a job of such importance and influene, and the other part of me enjoys reveling in the stories C shares when he comes home.

I am confident that when God calls me to the job I will stand ready to handle whatever responsibilities He may throw at me. But in the meantime, I will stand in awe of the work of the military and praise God for men like C who lead my family with honor while caring for the country as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Noelle!

    I love your blog!!! I've tried posting comments before but for some reason i dont think it has worked. I even have your blog bookmarked. Thanks for being open and genuine. You encourage me so much! :) I will try to stop by often :) loving your posts so much!! Just wanted to let you know! continue on, sister :)

    i'm at !
    come by :)
