Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dusk till Dawn

Tonight (this morning) I had one of those nights that I always wish I could've had during college.

I so loved falling asleep watching my roommate Sadie stay up till wee hours of the night (morning) sipping tea finishing her homework by the small desk light as to not disturb my "precious slumber" (which would no doubt be interrupted by C's nightly calls).
I used to wish I could stay up late and be inspired by the still quiet of the night. Plug headphones in and just float away into a whole new world of focused work.

The blessed solitude that only really comes in the middle of the night. When the rest of the world has turned off , e-mails stop coming, phones stop ringing, and things just slow down.

I have never been good at staying up late, but tonight after such an exciting and yet anxious day I woke up at 3:00AM ready to go! My sweet mother drove the hour and a half to visited the University of Delaware with me. While I have loved my online program at Liberty, I feel so isolated from the world. I'm in a new place and when the work that consumes my day is for some person I don't know out in cyber space it's hard for this people person to feel connected to anything.

So I am seeking other options. While I'm simply terrified, anxious about the workload, financial woes, and the hour drive each way 3 days a week I felt inspired today in a whole new way.

Pastor Bob from our church in Texas talked about doubt in his Easter message this year. He talked about "Doubting Thomas" and shared that he was not around the other disciples while they were all hearing about the amazing resurrection. "Doubt develops in isolation". When Thomas was not being supported by his brothers in Christ he was susseptable to the devil's schemes of placing doubt in his mind . Thomas had followed Jesus through his entire time on Earth, why then would he doubt the God he trusted in and loved? Because he was alone.

While I have been diving into the Word each day, I have so missed the support and human interaction with other people to inspire me.

So at this wee hour of the night (morning) I'll take a leap, muster up the courage to fill out the application and dig in my pockets for the $75 application fee trusting and believing that God is who he says he is. That he can do what he says he can do. I am who God says I am. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God's word is alive and active in me. (Who knows what those 5 things are from?)

Hosea 6:3 "Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth."

Photos Courtesy of Sadie Smith

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